Throughout the year, the PAC relies on fundraisers to help fund important school projects and activities. Thank you to everyone for participating and spreading the word about our fundraisers to your friends and family!

Please check this page regularly to see the seasonal fundraisers and the ongoing fundraisers we’ll be hosting.

Interested in donating directly to the PAC? Please visit our DONATIONS page for more information.

Fundraising is an important mandate for all non-profit organizations such as our PAC.

 We fundraise to support school-related programs such as:

  • Class supplies
  • School library funding
  • Author workshops
  • Technology purchases such as computers, printers, and overhead projectors
  • Front of school beautification
  • Playground enhancements and updates
  • Guest speakers, workshops, and cultural experiences
  • Special events such as the ice cream social, parent social, and more!
  • Sexual health education
  • Grade 7 graduation support
  • Discretionary funds for each classroom teacher to supplement out-of-pocket expenses that the teachers incur.
  • And much more!